Mohammad Alam - AusCrick
Gender Male
Date of Birth 23/03/1996
Age 28
Nationality Afghan
Player Status Available
Playing Role Bowler (Spin)
Bowling Style SLA Orthodox Spin
Batting Style LH Lower Order Bat
Major Teams Afghaintan A, bost defenger, amo sharks
Coaching Qualifications

Level 1, ball thrower speshilist

Mohammad alam is one of the greatest slow leftarm spiner in the country right know, he is with national team for 3 years, but couldent get chance yet in national squad but his domistic records tell s us that he is supremly tellented and potential to represnt national team soon. As every person knows that afghanistan is the home of presiding spiners but mohammad alam is still waiting for his chance in national team, and know wants to explore his self in austrila.

Profile Last Updated: 2022/05/25